Clash (2-Player
battle to get rid of all your cards, CoCo: -1)
Cooperation Panorama: Interaction -
In this game, 2 players are in direct competition to discard all
their cards onto a common board.
(3 players) Under repair - be back shortly!
Cooperation Panorama: Contentious
(Rummy-like scoring game over several rounds)
In this game, the players are all competing against each other
trying to score the most points.
Elimination (2-8 players common goal, CoCo: 3)
Cooperation Panorama: Collaborative
(Clear the board twice game)
In this game, all the players work together, and they all win,
or all lose together. Each player takes individual turns of their own choosing, working towards a single common goal.
Exit Stage Right (1-6 player right-left “juggling,” CoCo: 3)
Cooperation Panorama: Coordinated (2 to 6
player collaborating game with a solitaire variant)
In this game, players work together to get as many Complete
cards moved all the way to right, trying to prevent them from moving to
the left.
Lucky Duck (3 to 9
players, CoCo: 1)
Cooperation Panorama:
Chance (Luck-based survival game – time waster, but
In this game, the players discard cards when random luck selects
their card.
Pairadox (4 player trick-taking, CoCo: 2 or -2 depending on version)
Cooperation Panorama: Combined
In this game, two teams of two players work against each other, trying to get the most points.
Tradewinds (4 player common goal, CoCo: 3)
Cooperation Panorama: Collaborative
In this game, the players take turns attempting to “blow”cards in the direction that they score points.
Trifecta (2-6 player elimination, CoCo: -4)
Cooperation Panorama: Cutthroat
In this game, players manage their limited card resources to survive rounds and eliminate the other players.
Under the Radar (3-7 player trick-taking, CoCo: -2)
Cooperation Panorama: Competitive
(Avoid taking tricks, trick-taking game)
In this game, players work individually against each other, trying not to take any of the tricks.